[root@x5odadb0 ~]# oakcli show disk
e0_pd_00 /dev/sda HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_01 /dev/sdb HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_02 /dev/sdc HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_03 /dev/sdd HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_04 /dev/sde HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_05 /dev/sdf HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_06 /dev/sdg HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_07 /dev/sdaa HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_08 /dev/sdab HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_09 /dev/sdac HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_10 /dev/sdad HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_11 /dev/sdae HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_12 /dev/sdaf HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_13 /dev/sdag HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_14 /dev/sdah HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_15 /dev/sdai HDD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_16 /dev/sdaj SSD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_17 /dev/sdam SSD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_18 /dev/sdan SSD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_19 /dev/sdak SSD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_20 /dev/sdal SSD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_21 /dev/sdao SSD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_22 /dev/sdap SSD ONLINE Good
e0_pd_23 /dev/sdaq SSD ONLINE Good
[root@x5odadb0 ~]#
[root@x5odadb0 ~]# oakcli show diskgroup
[root@x5odadb0 ~]#
INFO: Doing oak disk calibration checks
INFO: About to run random read IOPS throughput tests for SASDisk
RESULT: Random read throughput across all 16 SASDisk = 1763 IOPS
INFO: About to run random read IOPS throughput tests for SSDDisk
RESULT: Random read throughput across all 8 SSDDisk = 87611 IOPS
INFO: About to run random read MBPS throughput tests for SASDisk
RESULT: Random read throughput across all 16 SASDisk = 1346 MBPS
INFO: About to run random read MBPS throughput tests for SSDDisk
RESULT: Random read throughput across all 8 SSDDisk = 4178 MBPS
INFO: Completed IOPS tests for individual disks of type SASDisk
INFO: Completed MBPS tests for individual disks of type SASDisk
INFO: Completed IOPS tests for individual disks of type SSDDisk
INFO: Completed MBPS tests for individual disks of type SSDDisk
INFO: Completed all single disk tests
INFO: Calibration results for SASDisk
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S05_1612344404 is 164 IOPS 142 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S13_1612136304 is 159 IOPS 143 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S12_1612137048 is 165 IOPS 142 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S04_1612321172 is 170 IOPS 143 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S15_1612242988 is 165 IOPS 143 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S06_1612316556 is 164 IOPS 143 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S02_1612134916 is 159 IOPS 143 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S11_1611067952 is 157 IOPS 142 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S10_1612355220 is 168 IOPS 145 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S08_1612271224 is 166 IOPS 142 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S09_1612322144 is 165 IOPS 142 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S00_1612291584 is 167 IOPS 144 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S01_1612292572 is 162 IOPS 144 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S03_1612244532 is 167 IOPS 142 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S14_1612349508 is 166 IOPS 143 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of HDD_E0_S07_1612344420 is 169 IOPS 145 MBPS
INFO: Calibration results for SSDDisk
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S17_1320347600 is 89384 IOPS 821 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S18_1320344696 is 88693 IOPS 822 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S20_1320464144 is 89456 IOPS 831 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S21_1320467632 is 90334 IOPS 833 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S23_1320469008 is 90578 IOPS 834 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S16_1320344604 is 89801 IOPS 821 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S19_1320344516 is 89582 IOPS 819 MBPS
RESULT: Random read throughput of SSD_E0_S22_1320467808 is 91220 IOPS 831 MBPS