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ExaWatcher Charts

OSWatcher工具包含了一系列UNIX shell脚本,主要用于收集操作系统及网络等信息,用来诊断因为操作系统资源问题导致的性能问题。在Exadata上可以使用ExaWatcher诊断工具,她是专门针对Exadata数据库云平台而重新设计的,加入了IB网络网络的监控、LGWR、RDS、MegaRaid等模块。当出现性能问题时,找到这个时间点,可然后以通过GetExaWatcherResults来收集日志信息,在12.2.0.1中还会生成图表格式。ExaWatcher会自动调用维护模块ExaWatcherCleanup确保其磁盘空间使用维持在特定值以下。


[root@dm06dbadm01 oracle.ExaWatcher]# ./ --help
[INFO     ] "--help" option detected, GetExaWatcherResults will display the help information.
    All the other command line inputs will be ignored. is a convenient script to collect a specific set of
ExaWatcher data files.

  ./ {--from <FromTime> [--to <ToTime>] |
                             --at <AtTime> [--range <Hours>]}
                             [--archivedir <ArchiveDir>]
                             [--scp        <RemoteTarget>]
                             [--filter     <FilterPhrase>]
                             [--resultdir  <ResultDir>]

  Notes on specifying timestamps:
  *  <FromTime>, <ToTime>, and <AtTime> need to be specified in a time format
     that can be parsed by \'date -d\'.

  *  To avoid using double quotes, replace space characters in the timestamps
     with the underscore character "_".

  [-h|--help] Print this usage message.

  [-f|--from] <FromTime>
    The start time and date for data file collection. Data files modified
    on or after <FromTime> are collected.
    * You need to specify either the --from option or the --at option.
    Example: --from 02/25/2012_00:00:00

  [-t|--to] <ToTime>
    The end time and date for data file collection. Data files modified
    before <ToTime> are collected.
    This option is optional.
    Default value: the current time.
    Example: --to 2012-06-16_12:12:12

  [-a|--at] <AtTime>
    The time and date for data file collection. This option is used with
    the --range option.
    * You need to specify either the --from option or the --at option.
    Example: --at 02/25/2012_00:00:00

  [-r|--range] <Hours>
    The time range in hours for data file collection. Data files modified
    between [<AtTime> - <Hours>,<AtTime> + <Hours>] will be collected.
    <Hours> is a positive integer.
    Default value: 2 hours.
    Example: --range 5

  [-l|--filter] <FilterPhrase>
    Only the files whose names contain <FilterPhrase> will be collected.
    Only a single <FilterPhrase> can be specified at a time.
    <FilterPhrase> is case sensitive.
    Example: `-l "Iostat"` will collect Iostat results only.

  [-c|--scp] <RemoteTarget>
    The collected data files will be copied to <RemoteTarget>.
    The format for <RemoteTarget> is: <User>@<ServerName>:<Directory>.
    The system may prompt for <User>'s password when using this option.
    The extracted local data files are deleted.
    Example: --scp root@adczascel02:/var/log/cellos/ExaWatcherResults

  [-d|--archivedir] <ArchiveDir>
    <ArchiveDir> specifies the source directory, that is, the directory
    from which to collect the ExaWatcher data files. If the specified directory
    does not exist, this script warns the user and exits.
    Default value: "/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive"
    Example: --archivedir "/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ExaWatcherResults"

  [-s|--resultdir] <ResultDir>
    The local directory to place the collected data files. The
    default location of <ResultDir> is the archive directory.
    Default value: "/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive"
    Example: --resultdir "/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ExaWatcherResults_Extracted"
[root@dm06dbadm01 oracle.ExaWatcher]#
[root@dm06dbadm01 oracle.ExaWatcher]#
[root@dm06dbadm01 oracle.ExaWatcher]# ./ --from 2016-12-18_13:00:00 --to 2016-12-21_23:00:00
[INFO     ] Result files which are modified after 2017-08-18 13:00:00 and before 2017-08-21 23:00:00 are extracted in a zipped package in /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/ExtractedResults.
[root@dm06dbadm01 oracle.ExaWatcher]#  ./ --at 2016-12-21_21:00:00 --range 2
[INFO     ] Result files which are modified at around (~2 hours before and after) time point 2017-08-21 21:00:00 are extracted in a zipped package in /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/ExtractedResults.
[root@dm06dbadm01 oracle.ExaWatcher]#


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